All results / Stories / Terri Schlichenmeyer

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"Who Got Game? Baseball: Amazing But True Stories!" by Derrick Barnes, illustrated by JohnJohn Bajet

Everybody’s supposed to stay home now. It’s probably not the “home” you’re thinking about though. The home you want to see involves running around a diamond, cheers in your ears, ahhh, you wanna hear that again. For now, though, you may have to make do with a home run like “Who Got Game? Baseball: Amazing But True Stories!” by Derrick Barnes, illustrated by JohnJohn Bajet.

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"Ready to Rise" by Jo Saxton

You know you have it. There's all kinds of potential inside you but how can you actually use it? Says author Jo Saxton in her new book "Ready to Rise," it takes determination, a community, strength, belief in yourself, and a little leaning on God.

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"The Fix: Overcome the Invisible Barriers That are Holding Women Back at Work" by Michelle King

The disappointment arrived just after lunch. That promotion you hoped to get? Nope. No raise, either, because your boss wants you to make a few improvements in your job, tweak your skills, have more time to grow – even though you've been improving, tweaking, and growing for months at work. Frustrating? You bet, but as you'll see in "The Fix" by Michelle King, you can't blame yourself.

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"The Last Negroes at Harvard" by Kent Garrett with Jeanne Ellsworth

Remember, remember....? Skipping school, good teachers, hard lessons, practical jokes, smelly lockers, remember? If you don't, your oldest friends probably do. As in the new book "The Last Negroes at Harvard" by Kent Garrett with Jeanne Ellsworth, they were there alongside you when everything happened, remember?

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"A World Without Work: Technology, Automation, and How We Should Respond" by Daniel Susskind

Click. And with that quiet little sound, an email's sent, a door's unlocked, an alarm is engaged, a recipe's downloaded, a machine is launched. Whether you listen for it or you’re so used to it that you don’t hear it anymore, the fact is that we need that click to happen. In the new book “A World Without Work” by Daniel Susskind, you’ll see if it doesn’t need us.

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"Blair Underwood Presents Olympic Pride, American Prejudice" by Deborah Riley Draper and Travis Thrasher

You've always held such promise. People could see it in you, starting when you were small: you were going to go places, do good, make a mark on the world. They were proud to know you, happy to watch you land until – except – as in "Blair Underwood Presents Olympic Pride, American Prejudice" by Deborah Riley Draper and Travis Thrasher, the promise was broken but not by you.

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“Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America” by Marcia Chatelain

Your hand is in the bag again. Those French fries you bought aren’t going to make it home, that’s for sure. You should’ve bought a double order; your burger won’t taste the same without them alongside. Sometimes, a craving hits and that kind of food saves the day; in the new book “Franchise” by Marcia Chatelain, that kind of food once changed neighborhoods.

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“Clean Getaway” by Nic Stone

Your next vacation could be the dream of a lifetime. It could take you to the beach, park, or the mountains, shopping or sightseeing, visiting pals or hanging with family. A vacation could get you one city away, it can whisk you halfway around the world or, as in the new book “Clean Getaway” by Nic Stone, a vacation can take you where you don’t want to be.

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“Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick” by Zora Neale Hurston, edited with an introduction by Genevieve West, foreword by Tayari Jones

Everybody has that place. You know, that place where everyone knows you, they know what you want, and they get it for you before your coat’s half off. It’s where you can catch up on gossip and good news, where you take shelter and get sympathy. In “Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick” by Zora Neale Hurston, you also get a front seat.

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“Delivered by Midwives: African American Midwifery in the Twentieth-Century South” by Jenny M. Luke c.2018, University Press of Mississippi $30.00 / higher in Canada 193 pages

The mailman’s come and gone for today. He never brings you much anymore anyhow, just a few bills and a card sometimes; now and then, you might get a box of something you purchased and that’s always fun. You know, though, that the mailman doesn’t always bring you what you ordered. As in “Delivered by Midwives” by Jenny M. Luke, someone else brings a different kind of package.

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“Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America” by Candacy Taylor

Your tickets have been purchased. Reservations were made in your name and all that’s left is packing. Yep, you’re heading out for the weekend, a week, a month, gone on the trip of a lifetime and as you’ll see in “Overground Railroad” by Candacy Taylor, it’s a trip your grandparents might’ve been denied.

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“The Broken Road: George Wallace and a Daughter’s Journey to Reconciliation” by Peggy Wallace Kennedy with Justice H. Mark Kennedy

The path your parents first set you on is not the path you ended up taking. Somewhere along the way, you veered to the left or stepped to the right. You found your own groove, made your own decisions and made adjustments while you learned where you were going. And as in the new book “The Broken Road” by Peggy Wallace Kennedy (with Justice H. Mark Kennedy), it was essential to know where you came from.

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“White Negroes: When Cornrows Were in Vogue… And Other Thoughts on Cultural Appropriation” by Lauren Michele Jackson

It’s all yours. You own it, got it, paid for it, you even have the receipt. That thing: you fought hard for it and nobody can take it away. But – as in the new book “White Negroes” by Lauren Michele Jackson, folks can surely borrow it.

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“Right Beside You” by Mary Monroe

You’re going to just be quiet now. You have things to say, but you’re not going to say them. Nope, not opening your mouth. Not a peep. Not a word. It’s not your time to talk, and even if it was, you’ll keep your thoughts to yourself. Although, as in the new novel “Right Beside You” by Mary Monroe, staying quiet might mean staying alone.

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“Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises” by Jodie Adams Kirshner, foreword by Michael Eric Dyson

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. And you know how that went for him. The Royal Soldiers and a bunch of ponies couldn’t help him and you can only imagine what happened next: as in the new book “Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises” by Jodie Adams Kirshner, everything got scrambled.

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“How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir” by Saeed Jones

You can’t pretend forever. Eventually, the ruse gets tired, holding up pretenses becomes a burden, and keeping the game going is harder than telling the truth. You eventually have to break it down and let people know what you’re about. But as in the new book “How We Fight for Our Lives” by Saeed Jones, take care before telling everybody.

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“Sulwe” by Lupita Nyong’o, illustrated by Vashti Harrison

Other kids can be so mean. In your classroom, they call you names and whisper bad things. On the playground, they tease you, and it hurts your feelings. You wish you had more friends, and that things were different. But inthe new book “Sulwe” by Lupita Nyong’o, illustrated by Vashti Harrison, life can change, and it starts on the inside of you.

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“What God is Honored Here?” edited by Shannon Gibney and Kao Kalia Yang

You’re doing okay. Shaky, most days, and you can’t stop crying but you’re doing okay. Thanks for asking, although nobody ever really wants to know. They look away, up or down or anywhere but at the truth: you’ve lost a baby but in “What God is Honored Here?” edited by Shannon Gibney and Kao Kalia Yang, you’ll find sisterhood.

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“Her Own Two Feet: A Rwandan Girl’s Brave Fight to Walk” by Meredith Davis and Rebekah Uwitonze

On the day you took your first steps, your parents were very proud. They took pictures of you standing by yourself with a one-tooth smile on your face, and then they called Grandma and Grandpa to tell them you were walking! It was reason to celebrate and you walk now without thinking about it, but in the new book “Her Own Two Feet” by Meredith Davis and Rebekah Uwitonze, first steps aren’t always second nature.